Maybe as a photographer I am a tvery curiouos tightrope dancer.
I'm fascinated by transitions, crossroads, meeting points and borders. Symbolically. I come near, I am looking closely.
Night and day, still and moving, behaviour and identity, kronos and kairos, pure stories and their visual abstraction.
I love the music in things and in people. I'm the traveller, always looking for a place to land, where it's warm and real. Sneaking in my eyes will massage the scene until I find a small gesture, signs revealing the sensitive spot .
When you find the vulnerability, it is almost always somehow beautiful.
Group exhibition
Galerie La petite Semaine, Paris
september 2023
'Seasonality of love'
photography part of group exhibition
Campo Santo Chapel, Ghent,
April-may 2023
'Zoom', contemporary abstract photography
Galerie UD, Antwerpen
june-aug 2021
Matonge or not to Matongé
Vlaams-Afrikaans Huis, Brussels
sept 2017
Sans Papiers, group exhibition
Life collective, Antwerp
sept 2016
Sans Papiers
sept 2015
Sans Papiers
Royal Academy of Fine Arts, The Hague
June 2015
Building former ministry of Finance, The Hague
Jan 2014
Sint Jans kliniek, Brussels
Huis der Culturen, Sint-Jans-Molenbeek
Hilde De Windt is a Brussels born traveler
currently Brussels & Antwerp based.
She is fascinated by the phenomenon of time and perception. How do we look at things, what do they mean to us? What do we really see and is that the same thing?
What is the impact of time, of memory, of emotions?
What does our way of seeing tell about us?
Looking more and more closely her work evolved to more abstract images. But it all starts with humans, time and generations. Memories, trauma's, emotions, how do they pass on?
Rooted in a genuine interest in the human soul, her work has become humanoid.
She has always been a storyteller, in writing and in visual. Having been a radiomaker for many years, she evoked the visual in audio.
Later she turned to video and tv, inventing programmes, making reportages as a journalist for VRT, the Flemish public broadcaster.
Later she started to combine all this in web based, sometimes interactive stories, including photography.
She took Scandinavian studies & literature at Ghent University. Much later she followed another part of her heart, visual storytelling and photography.
She got a BA Fine Arts in documentary Photography at the Royal Academy in The Hague.
She keeps on working on her own personal projects, fascinated by humans.
Her big questions are how we are dealing with fate and identity. How time, as a human invention, has an influence on our lives. Time and generations. Memories, trauma's, emotions, how do they pass on?
Personal yet universal at the same time.
Photographing allows her to wonder about it, and to understand. The documentary part of photography could be seen as an extension of her journalistic work. In her autonomous photography she is re-imagining this fascination.